Many people in the UK start their own businesses every day. Whilst this is a very positive thing, that doesn’t stop the actual process of starting a business being incredibly stressful. Start-ups fail frequently for a variety of reasons and as such, new business owners jump through hoops and worry about a lot, fretting over whether or not they will become another statistic. Well, starting a business doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, as you could take advantage of a franchise opportunity. 
If you’re interested in web design and have always wanted to run your own website design company, investing in a franchise - such as the it’seeze franchise - can be an incredibly prosperous opportunity. 
That being said, deciding you would like to start a web design franchise business is one thing, seeing it through to fruition is another. To get you started on your journey, we have put together the below list of steps to follow to steer you on your way. 

 1. Be sure that franchising is for you 

There are many benefits to being part of an established web design franchise which you should consider before deciding this route is for you. It allows you the flexibility of starting and running your own business but with the support of other people in an established network. 
By joining a web design franchise with a proven path to success, you will get all of this and more as you manoeuvre through an industry that is constantly evolving and which brings with it both lifestyle and financial benefits. If this sounds like something you would like to do, then starting a franchise could be the right move. That being said, there are many people less open to collaboration who would much rather, when starting a business venture, do so alone as opposed to as part of a franchise network. 

 2. Choose the right franchise 

The benefits of working as part of a franchise will only be apparent if you choose the right one to be a part of. There are franchises in almost every industry, which is a plus as it means you have a lot of variety to choose from, but also means there are many franchises that are yet to prove that their business model is effective. To make your choice you will need to narrow down the options that are available to you. 
The first thing you should consider is what you would like to achieve. Do you want to make money? Spend more time at home? Take a solid entrepreneurial step in your career? This will all impact the kind of franchise you should approach. Also, consider what you have to offer, think about the work the franchise does and decide if it is in line with what you’re interested in and your skills and expertise. 
Look further into the business as well, because realistically, if you end up joining a franchise that hasn’t fine-tuned its processes and procedures, then you won’t reap the actual benefits of that franchise. Consider how successful they are, the work they do, how they promote themselves and their company’s ethos. You should head over to Companies House where you are able to check the company’s financial performance. If all of these things don’t tick your boxes, then consider trying another franchise opportunity. 

 3. Surround yourself with great people 

One of the biggest benefits of buying into a franchise that has several franchisees already in operation, is the fact that the brand you are joining is already established. This will be because they have a business plan that works and due to the quality of the people who work there. By taking advantage of a franchise opportunity, you will have the ability to surround yourself with the right people
By choosing a franchise with an already established network of talented staff and experienced franchisees, you will be able to work more effectively thanks to the assistance of those who have been there before, plus, you will be able to learn from them and grow as an individual. 

 4. Market yourself locally 

Marketing locally is one of the most effective ways to promote your franchise. Attending different events and meeting local business owners helps to raise awareness for your franchise. It is also incredibly effective as it lets residents of your local area know that you exist. This and the word of mouth that comes with it is incredibly powerful, so the more people that know about you, the better. 
By getting to know the area, as well as tapping into other business owners by joining your local business networking events, getting local media attention, and being a helpful resource will spread awareness incredibly effectively. Not to mention, this is an incredibly cheap way of creating brand recognition within your target customer base. 

 5. Build strong customer relationships 

The word of mouth referenced above will only be an effective promotional tool if what is being said about you is positive. The importance of offering your clients an impeccable level of service and building strong customer relationships as a result cannot be overstated. This will help in terms of building your brand as you will have examples of your previous work ready to show prospective clients, as well as a repertoire of positive reviews to promote yourself with. 
All of our franchisees benefit from our shared Trustpilot account, which reassures prospective clients of the quality of the products we offer and the service all of our franchisees provide. 


The benefits of joining a franchise - so long as the franchise you are joining has a business plan that works, a network of successful franchisees, and a comprehensive strategy for how to brand themselves and build customer relations - are vast. 
At the it’seeze franchise, with our low start-up costs, we pride ourselves on being able to achieve all of the above and more. We have successful franchisees around the UK and Ireland and a team of professional web designers based in our head office, all of whom work together to deliver fantastic websites to our clients. 
If you are interested in joining a franchise and believe that the it’seeze franchise could be the one for you, take the first step by filling out your details on the form below. Alternatively, should you have any questions you would like to ask, please don’t hesitate to get in touch
We look forward to working with you! 
For more information:  
Call Alex on 01803 401 060 or 07588 903464 
Alternatively, contact us via the form below. 
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